Thursday, September 25, 2008

Election Day is here already

Election Day is getting closer and closer. I am registered to vote, but back in my hometown, which is 80 miles away so I do not think that I will be going back there to vote on a Tuesday. At the same time, I am not even sure if I am ready to choose one of the candidates to be the next president. From what I have heard, I think that Obama might be my choice. But I have not been giving this election my full attention. I have heard some of the things that have been happening and they registered with me, but I have not sat down, looked at what both candidates are saying that they will do, and decided with which one I agree. This makes me feel that if I did vote that I would be making a mistake because it would be an uneducated vote. Especially now, with all that is happening in the world and within this country, I think that we need to make sure that we make the right choice. Right now America is in a hole, and if we do not make the right choice it is just going to get deeper. I am not sure if anyone else is where I am at, but I feel like I need to start paying more attention to politics now. When I was in high school voting seemed like a pretty distant thing, but now it is here, and I need to buckle down and do what I need to do to make sure that I can vote in this next election, and that my vote is what I believe to be the right choice.


Annie said...

I know the feeling. It is for that reason that I didn't register to vote. My family thinks voting is very important and they vote religiously, but i cannot bring myself to do it this year. First off, because I don't pay much attention to politics, second, I'm hesitant about both candidates. I had a black man come in to my work the other day and ask me who I was voting for. When I told him that I did not know and I did not know enough about each candidate, he said, "oh come on you are voting for McCain. It's just a black vs. white election..and so I'm voting for Obama." I think that is part of people's mindset, and I truly hope that the election is not based off of those opinions and those people's votes. We need to elect the man who can make us the strongest..not necessary who we are used to or who can make history. Its much more than that, and so many people are overlooking it. I haven't given myself enough credit yet though to make a strong enough supported decision.

Csarankhi T. said...

I am with you on this blog. Election Day is getting closer and closer and I still do not know exactly what each candidate’s platform is. As Election Day gets closer, the candidates are going to run ads saying why they are better than the other candidates which make it harder to vote for the candidate you believe in. Most importantly, I need to find out how to have an absentee ballot mailed to me because there is no way I am going all the way to Broward County to vote once voting begins. I definitely need to go online and read each candidate’s platform so come Election Day I will be able to make the right decision based on my knowledge of the candidates and not off of what I heard people discussing.