Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Us and Them Audio

Listening to the audio version of “Us and Them” did not change my attitude toward the author. I still think that the author sounded very arrogant and greedy. Also the person who was narrating still sounded greedy. Though he was a little kid and that he might not have known what he was doing, I still think that he should have a sense of what is right and wrong, and that stuffing yourself with candy that you might not even like just because you do not want to give them to someone else. I also still think that he sort of thought of them as inferior beings, and that he should pity. He also views them as his own personal TV show. The only thing that seemed different is the end. The way it comes out on the audio version makes it seem as though the author is blaming TV for his lack of care for the Tomkeys. The author talks about how if the only image he would have to see was the one of himself stuffing candy down his mouth, he might have had to look at himself. But fortunately for him there was the television and the shows that came on it.

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