Thursday, September 4, 2008

In “This is Emo” the author appeals to the reader by using references to pop culture. He uses movies of the 80’s and the band Coldplay as examples of why people look for fake love. The author made it real by using these examples. He also made it real through the use of words that usually are not found in essays into it to put more emphasis on the point that he was making. He believes that the reason why he could not find love was because of these movies and this band. I do not agree with him though. While some people believe that movies are true and that you can have endings like they come in the movies, most people know that the stories are not true. Movies are made to appeal to people. This means that they usually say or do whatever it is that brings in people to pay for the ticket and watch the movie. The author compares his love life to these movies because he says that the woman he dated compared him to those movies.

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