Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Week of Classes

What I liked about the first week of classes was how I got long breaks between all of my classes. On Mondays I didn’t have to wake up until 9:00 a.m. and I could take my time getting to my classes. Not like in my high school where if you woke up after seven you were going to be late. I also liked meeting new people in my classes because I did not know too many people up here. I did not like finding out about how much writing I was going to have to do because writing is not something I like to do. I also hated any class I had in the lecture hall because all the classes I have are around 12:00, when it starts to get hot outside, and if you do not get to the lecture hall early you will not get a seat but if you get there too early you end up standing outside while the class before yours finishes up. Also, the classes are pretty boring so I start to fall asleep halfway through them. Another thing that I did not like was having to wake up so early on Friday because my class was at 7:30. By Friday I was just flat out tired of all the new classes and adjusting to my college life that it was almost impossible for me to wake up. I managed to do it but I was tired and not enthusiastic for anything and could not force myself to talk for the class discussion. But over all I would say that it was a pretty good first week of classes.

1 comment:

Andrew A. said...

First week of classes, for me, required a big adjustment. College life is just so different from high school. In my schedule I had class at 11 then class at 6 p.m. Going to class that late was really weird and is going to take some getting used to. In high school you’re done by 1 and have the rest of the day to do whatever. There are also so many new people I have met as well. I’m from a pretty small town and I have never seen so many people in my life. But I like meeting all new people. This first week was kind of crazy but I think in the upcoming weeks it will slow down and it will be all routine for me.