Tuesday, September 9, 2008

College Week 3

In my third week at USF I have started to get a little more adjusted to living on campus. I have gotten used to the hours that I need to devote to work and free-time. I have also learned where all my classes are and what times they are at. I know my way around most of the campus although there are some parts that I have not been able to get to. However, one thing that I am going to have to readjust myself to is the workload. It was hard for me coming back from the summer because I did not do anything that involved school at all, but the first two weeks were not terrible. I managed to get my assignments done. But when I looked at the schedule for this week I saw a significant change in the workload. Now I have three writing assignments due, numerous chapters in different books to read, and weekly assignments that have to be taken care of on top of all of these new things to do. I knew that college was going to get tougher but I was hoping that it was going to be a little later in my college career, maybe a semester or two. The only thing that is good is that I have started to adjust to living on the campus, and that hopefully being adjusted to college life will help get used to college work.


Bryan Unknown said...

I am basically in the same situation as you are. The only difference is that I am, for some odd reason, excited for more of a workload. The sole reason is that I want to prove to myself that I can do it, that I can get good grades and manage my time, and basically my entire life, all by myself. Although my multiple writing assignments, upcoming tests, and chapters to read will not be FUN, I am ready to conquer the feat and gain self-confidence and pride in knowing that I can do it.

natalie said...

I totally agree with you that’s what I wrote about for my first blog. It’s true what you said I understand what you’re going through, maybe because we are both freshmen. Also, I agree this workload is nothing I’ve ever experienced too but I’m slowly adjusting ,I just need to read my planner and the subjects syllabus so I get my work done on time. I need to stop being a procrastinator and organize my time more persistently. But other than that I found my way around campus but I also haven’t been to many places that the campus offers but that’s why I have UE (scavenger hunt).

Victoria Jackson said...

You could not be more right. I did not do anything school related for the 2 ½ months of summer. So coming to college the first two weeks I’m like “Oh this is not to bad” but then this week came. I started to write down my homework and papers that were due…it took up almost a whole page. In the same respect I have been getting used to living on campus and am actually really glad I chose to. I think if I would have lived off campus I would not be as comfortable with finding my classes and getting there on time. The class load seems enough that I can handle I just had no idea that it would be like the snap of a finger and the workload doubled. But don’t worry, you will get used to the workload and all aspects that college life throws at you.