Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Plumber ?

I did not see the presidential debate, but when I started to look around to see how each candidate had done, I found that there had been talk about someone called Joe the plumber. I looked him up on the internet and found a website that had interviewed him. Though the website said that it was a republican website, Joe the plumber provided some fairly valuable points. He thinks that Barrack Obama’s tax plan will put America down a socialist path. The reason why he thinks this is because Senator Obama said the reason why he was taxing him for making more money was to “redistribute the wealth.” While I think that the wealthier should get taxed more, not enough to take their wealth away from them, I think that the money should be used for government spending, and not to just give away as a handout. Mr. Plumber also said that this will encourage some people to just take more advantage of a welfare system that is already being taken advantage of. He believes that while some people will use it to make themselves better, most of them will just take the money and live off of that. While I think that most people would be better than that, what if he is right? The money that is being taken away from people who worked for their wealth could be given to someone who might not even do anything to help themselves with it. I believe in helping people, but only if they are willing to help themselves. If someone is not prepared to do anything for themselves than they should not receive the same help that someone who is. Also, some people are willing to live off of others their whole lives. As long as they are getting enough money to live off of, they do not see any need to work harder. So should they be getting a break while someone who worked harder is slammed with a bigger tax? While I agree with Senator Obama that the wealthy should get taxed more than the poor, on a graduated tax, I do not think that someone should just get a free ticket because they did not work as hard, which is what could happen.

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