Friday, October 31, 2008


I voted early last weekend. When I got the ballot, I was shocked to find out about all of the different things that I have to vote for. In addition to having the presidential ballot, there was a bunch of local officials to vote for, and a bunch of ammendments as well. I had no idea about the local officials. I did not know what they had done or who I should vote for. Also, many of the ammendments were very long and hard to understand without having to read a couple of times. I think that one thing that should be changed is that they should have a simplified version of the ballot. What if someone who is very impatient gets there ballot, they might answer yes or no and not even agree with what they voted for. Also, I felt like leaving the ballot blank was not a choice because I had heard that if there are too many blanks than your ballot can be invalidated, and while I was not sure about that, I was not going to take that risk.

1 comment:

Matt Tucker said...

I agree on what you are saying about how they need to make an easier ballot to read. Also how you talked about the "impatient person" who would just pick yes or no so they can hurry up. My friend actually told me last night about when he voted and did that just thing. Personally I haven't voted yet, but he did tell me about how there were tons of ammendments and officials he's never heard about. I wish that they were more public and would be voiced out so we know more about them ahead of time. But it's good to see you voted.