Saturday, November 15, 2008

End of the Semester

There are only a couple more weeks left in this semester. Towards the end I hope that my grades don't fall because right now I do not want to do any work at all. We still got finals to get through and some of my classes still have exams before the finals. However, always around this time of the year I have started to slack off. It gets harder and harder to motivate myself to finsih an assignment and I also start to not care about what grades I get on my assignments. Hopefully my grades won't slip too much before the finals and I do good enough to pass my classes.


radical618 said...

I hope this doesn't happen either. Luckily a lot of my classes are fun, so it isn't hard for me to be motivated to do my work. School is fickle though, it is funny how crazy motivated you are at the begginning, and then as it gets close to the end you wind down until you're so lazy, writing a blog is tedious. Fun stuff.

Matt Tucker said...

I guess its the opposite with me, and I hate it. Starting this semester I slacked off and was carefree. Hardly motivated at all, I would chill with friends and not study for my exams. Then when it comes time to crunch down and work I do. I get more motivated at the end of semesters because my grades are not what I want them to be. I wish I was the other way around because this isn't fun and it's hard to make up for what's been done.

Annie said...

Oh man..I feel you. Its like senioritis all over again. haha. I just want the semester to be over so badly. But of course when I feel my when all the work starts to come. I have SO many small homework assignments. Then attendance is required in all even when I stay up to all hours of the night studying and finishing assignments...I have to get up again in the morning for class..and its hard to stay awake or even absorb the information..making it feel pointless. ah..what a ramble..