Friday, November 21, 2008

Registering for classes

This week was the first week that I was allowed to register for classes. When I saw my advisor, the classes that she suggested for me were pretty vague. She only told me what areas to take my classes in. There was only one class that she actually suggested and it looked pretty gay so I decided that when it came time to pick the classes that there would be an easy way to look at classes. When Monday came, I looked at the site and did not have a clue about where to start looking for classes. It took me a thirty minutes to find out where I can look at the different types of classes. But then I did not what classes to take. I finally found a little tab at the end that said something about undergraduate requirements, and that helped me to find all of the classes that I needed. I finished registering yesterday. I was not sure about all of the classes that I took but they were the ones left at the times I wanted so I hope that they are not bad.

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