Wednesday, December 3, 2008


For my Thanksgiving, I went home for the whole weekend, and did not get back until Monday. This was great because I got to see a whole bunch of my friends as well as my family. On Wednesday I left the school at about 3:30 but I did not get home until about 7 because of all of the traffic. On Thursday, I had to come all the way back up to St. Petersburg from Sarasota county because we were going to my Mom's friends house for Thanksgiving. When we got there, we had to wait for all of the food to finish and for everyone else to arrive, but it was worth it. There was a whole bunch of choices both for the actual meal and then for dessert, a couple of hours after the meal. We eventually went home at around 8, but I was too tired to do anything except go to sleep. For the rest of the weekend, I would hangout with my friends. This was really fun because this was the first time I really got to see a lot of them since I had left for college.